We worked with the Indiana Department of Transportation for major highway clean-ups along Highway 41

Many years ago area businessmen became concerned that one of our corridors into Evansville wasn’t nearly as attractive as it should be. Their concern was founded because people from a 10 county area come through Evansville and thousands of people travel through Evansville Regional Airport. Keep Evansville Beautiful was brought in to help come up with a solution.
The first project we tackled was to make the airport entrance more attractive. We did that with a beautiful sculpture done by Bob Zasandy. That project was completed in June of 2015. KEB hasn’t stopped with our plan to improve Highway 41. That same year we worked with the Indiana Department of Transportation for major highway clean-ups along Highway 41. We removed dead trees and pruned many more. We have since done two other clean-ups with INDOT.
If you turn from Highway 57 (the airport) onto highway 41 you will notice landscaping at the medians along with new trees planted behind the billboard there. Further down, you will notice over 100 pines and other varieties planted in front of Atlas Van Line. Further down you will see more Arborvitae and a new fence on the CSX property. Red buds are planted past the CSX site and there are plans to take out more dead trees, prune and plant more trees, shrubbery and possibly add some art.
If you come in from the Henderson on Highway 41 you will notice our state mural welcoming all who enter Evansville, Indiana. A bit further down and you will see a Welcome to Evansville sign, yes that’s our too.
We continue to work on this project but sincerely couldn’t have done this without the help from Vectren/Center Point Energy, Toyota, The Convention and Visitors Bureau, Mead Johnson and many others.